NOA Bank Scholarship, 2018

Posted by noabank in 뉴스



미래를 내다봅니다~!


노아 은행이 커뮤니티의 미래인 고교생들의 학업을 격려하기 위하여 노아 장학생을 모집합니다.

(To encourage the academic future of high school students of the community, NOA Bank is offering scholarship to 20 students.

대상 (who): 현재 귀넷, 풀턴, 디캡 카운티 고등학교 11-12학년 재학생(Junior and Senior Student of 2018-2019 school year for schools located in Gwinnett, Fulton or DeKalb counties)

장학금(scholarship amount): 인당 $1,000.00  ($1,000.00 per person)

제출서류(documents required) :

  1. 장학금 신청서 (Application for Scholarship):  [View/Download]
  2. 최근 학교 성적표 사본 (Unofficial Transcript) – If the student’s application is selected, we may ask that a sealed official transcript to mailed to us prior to the disbursement of the scholarship award
  3. 재정 증명서 (2 years of tax return of student’s parent/guardian and student’s, if applicable)
  4. 영문 자기 소개서 (Essay)- “The Person Who Influenced My Views”



제출처(send the application to) : 노아 은행 둘루스 지점 (NOA Bank, Duluth Branch, Attn: Scholarship Committee, 2385 Pleasant Hill Rd., Duluth, GA 30096)

Application must be received no later than 09/28/2018.