FTC – Romance Scam warning
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[2/12/2019] In this month focused on romance, it is timely for us to share this warning with you concerning “Romance Scams”. It is from the Federal Trade Commission and provides very good information and advice. NOA Bank appreciates the opportunity to pass along important information.
Chamblee Branch
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[12/11/2018] 노아은행 챔블리 지점이 12월 7일 개업식을 가졌습니다. 챔블리 지점의 주소와 업무시간은 아래와 같습니다. Chamblee branch 5038 Buford Hwy STE B, Chamblee GA 30341 월-목: 9 am - 4:30 pm 금: 9 am - 5:30 pm 토: 9 am - 1 pm 챔블리 지점에 대한 문의사항은 (678) 892-7030 으로 전화주시면 친절하게 상답해드리겠습니다.
New Bank Naming Contest
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[01/07/2019] 미래로 도약하는 노아은행의 새로운 이름을 지어주세요. 2019년, 노아은행이 고객 중심의 글로벌 서비스를 더욱 강화하고, 한층 향상된 금융 서비스로, 보다 다양한 고객들분들을 찾아갑니다. 응모 기간 : 2019년 1월 7일 – 2월 8일 당선 상금: $2,000 (1 명) 결과 발표: 2019년 3월 4일 여러분의 더 큰 꿈과 함께 성장할 “노아은행 새이름 공모”에 많은 참여를 기대합니다. 신청서 양식이나 자세한 사항은 www.noabank.com/namingcontest 을(를) 방문해주세요.
FTC – Consumer Information
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

We at NOA Bank want to wish you a successful and profitable 2019! We are excited to begin a new year with you and plan to offer you even more convenience and the latest technology available! Please let us know how we can serve you.
Also, please see the attached warning from the Federal Trade Commission for Social Security scams; be careful! We will continue to actively share information to help you avoid scams and keep your information secure.
Happy New Year!
Data Security Breach
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[12/04/2018] You have probably already heard about the Marriott International data breach. The attached article "Bad Guys Love Marriott: 500 Million Data Breach Is Phishing Heaven" by KnowBe4 provides good information. This is a company that we partner with for information security resources. On the last two pages are some excellent travel tips to help avoid being a victim of information security while traveling. We wish you a safe and happy Holiday season! And thank you for being a customer of NOA Bank.
NOA Bank Scholarship, 2018
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[11/26/2018] NOA Bank was pleased to invite Juniors and Seniors in high schools located in Gwinnett, Fulton, and Dekalb counties to the 4th Annual Scholarship Award Ceremony. These students were carefully selected based on their excellence in academic accomplishments and outstanding literary responses to our essay question, “The Person Who Influenced My Views.” Congratulations to the 2018 NOA Bank Scholarship recipients and we wish you continued success in your academic and professional goals. Through more diverse programs, we hope to strengthen our relationship with and continue to give back to the community.
National Cybersecurity Month
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[10/9/2018] Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, and October serves as a reminder that each of us has a part to play in making the Internet safer and more secure. The FBI is sharing information that can help keep us aware. Please stay safe, and let us at NOA Bank know if you have any questions. "National Cybersecurity Awareness Month - FBI" We also have information available in our locations for advisement. We appreciate your business!
Northeast Regional Carwash Convention
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[10.02.2018] Please join NOA Bank at the Northeast Regional Carwash Convention from 10/2/2018 – 10/3/2018 in Atlantic City Convention Center! Stop by Booth #816 as our experts, David Suh and Nhan Young, would love the opportunity to communicate and showcase how we can help you grow your business even further.
Cyber Safety Rules – Stop.Think.Connect.
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

From NOA Bank: Sharing a message from the Stop.Think.Connect. campaign (StopThinkConnect.org) to help keep our teenagers safe in this technology driven society. RETHINK CYBER SAFETY RULES AND THE "TECH TALK" WITH YOUR TEENS It is our goal to pass on helpful advice for life as well as financial security. Wishing you a happy safe Fall season!
NOA Bank Scholarship, 2018
Posted by noabank in 뉴스

[07/16/2018] 미래를 내다봅니다~! 노아 은행이 커뮤니티의 미래인 고교생들의 학업을 격려하기 위하여 노아 장학생을 모집합니다. (To encourage the academic future of high school students of the community, NOA Bank is offering scholarship to 20 students. 대상 (who): 현재 귀넷, 풀턴, 디캡 카운티 고등학교 11-12학년 재학생(Junior and Senior Student of 2018-2019 school year for schools located in Gwinnett, Fulton or DeKalb counties) 장학금(scholarship amount): 인당 $1,000.00 ($1,000.00 per person) 제출서류(documents required) :
- 장학금 신청서 (Application for Scholarship): [View/Download]
- 최근 학교 성적표 사본 (Unofficial Transcript) – If the student’s application is selected, we may ask that a sealed official transcript to mailed to us prior to the disbursement of the scholarship award
- 재정 증명서 (2 years of tax return of student’s parent/guardian and student’s, if applicable)
- 영문 자기 소개서 (Essay)- “The Person Who Influenced My Views”